Enable BVLOS and Automatic Drone Operations in complex low-altitude airspace
INVOLI provides you with a complete set of safety services, to allow you to provide robust air risk mitigations to obtain BVLOS waivers or Operational Authorisations in complex airspace.
Deploy your personalized ground-based detection network
Meet the regulatory requirements
Take data-driven decisions to improve safety
Access complex airspace to scale your business
Mission planning
Understand the airspace where you want to fly with network coverage and traffic density maps to anticipate the risk of UAS encounter with manned aviation.
Pre-flight briefing
Access real-time low-altitude air traffic information to take the appropriate measure before take-off.
Detect conflicting air traffic and integrate with your DAA system to avoid mid air collision.
Keep records of all air traffic information for continuous safety improvements and audit purpose.
We help you define an air traffic detection strategy by analyzing you airspace, the infrastructure needed to meet your safety objective and budget your investments
Deploy & Connect
Install the receivers, they will automatically connect to INVOLI.live platform so you can instantly get access to safety-critical air traffic data
INVOLI.live offers you all the tools to control your airspace, improve safety and meet your compliance and audit obligations.
Get started today
Share your safety objective with us. We will provide you with a budgetary quotation.