Air traffic icon types

Air traffic icon types

The following air traffic objects can be found in

Large plane, aircraft with jet or turboprop engine(s)

(this is the default icon for aircraft not described in this table)

Light plane up to 7000kg, glider or with motor

Helicopter, gyrocopter, rotorcraft

Ground service or ground emergency vehicle

Ultralight: hang-glider, paraglider

Parachutist, skydiver

Balloon (hot air, gas, weather, static), airship, blimp, zeppelin

Ground obstruction, static obstacle

Drone, unmanned aircraft

The general rule is that airborne objects are yellow and ground objects are grey.

For each available object, basic information with identity, height, and horizontal velocity is displayed:


The pictures above show the large aircraft,  their ICAO code, altitude in ft with vertical speed change direction and ground speed. Direction of the vertical speed change will be present if the change is higher than 200 ft per minute.

Similarly, for other air objects, their identification code (ICAO, squawk, or national registration code), altitude, and horizontal speed are presented.

The flight direction of the air object is presented by its orientation, or by the arrow turning around the icon.

LEMAN RemoteID tracker and flight parameters are presented in the following way:
