G-1090 firmware update in INVOLI.live

G-1090 firmware update in INVOLI.live

It is possible to upgrade the firmware to the latest version in the receiver management panel. It is only possible for the receivers, which are "Online". To avoid any problems during the procedure, it is recommended to ensure that the internet connection is stable.

Please watch the video below showing the G-1090 receiver management in INVOLI.live.

The receiver upgrade procedure

1. Select the receiver and open the details view by pressing the button. The "Update now" button will be visible only if a newer version of the firmware exists. Press it to proceed further.

2. To start the upgrade, please confirm by selecting the "Proceed" button.

3. An average upgrade time is around 20 min. During this time, the receiver is still working and the new firmware upload is ongoing. In this stage, it is still possible to abort the process.

4. After the end of the upload, the receiver will reboot, disappear for a while from a map, and appear again. Press the "Dismiss" button to confirm the success. The G-1090 receiver firmware update is successfully terminated.
