Coverage API

Coverage API

The coverage REST API is on the endpoint

Authorization is granted via a bearer token in the HTTP header.

Example: Authorization: bearer <token>

The token must be requested from the authentication server with your client id and client secret.


A HTTP POST request on the endpoint returns the current coverage.

Example request body:

    "boundingBox": {
        "southLatitude": 46.22651399813753,
        "westLongitude": 6.35492729499469,
        "northLatitude": 46.81144910180176,
        "eastLongitude": 6.7607347901118775
Field Type Unit Description
boundingBox.southLatitude (mandatory)

South latitude limit

boundingBox.westLongitude (mandatory)

West longitude limit

boundingBox.northLatitude (mandatory)

North latitude limit

boundingBox.eastLongitude (mandatory)


East longitude limit

The area of the bounding box must be smaller than 10,000 square kilometers.

Data format

The API returns the coverage as GeoJSON data. The GeoJSON data contains a list of Polygon geometries where lower and upper coverage altitude limits are provided for each polygon.

Example response:

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "title": "INVOLI Coverage Map",
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "GeometryCollection",
                "geometries": [
                        "type": "Polygon",
                        "coordinates": [
                                [ 6.707598, 46.497475 ],
                                [ 6.702653, 46.487201 ],
                                [ 6.709406, 46.476685 ],
                                [ 6.721103, 46.476443 ],
                                [ 6.726046, 46.486717 ],
                                [ 6.719294, 46.497233 ],
                                [ 6.707598, 46.497475 ]
                        "h3_cell_index": "877a8c6e8ffffff"
                        "layer": {
                            "upper": 20000,
                            "upperReference": "AGL",
                            "lower": 122.6,
                            "lowerReference": "AGL",
                            "uom": "m"
            "properties": {
                "coverage_timestamp": 1707983236

Geometry Fields Description:

Field Type Unit Description


floats array


List of polygon vertices defined by its longitude and latitude

h3_cell_index string   The H3 cell index that corresponds to the polygon (see
layer.upper float see upperReference The value of the upper limit of the coverage expressed in metres (m) or feet (ft), in relation with the vertical datum specified in the upperReference property.
layer.upperReference string enum - "AGL" (above ground level)
- "WGS84" (above WGS84 ellipsoid)
layer.lower float see lowerReference The value of the lower limit of the coverage expressed in metres (m) or feet (ft), in relation with the vertical datum specified in the lowerReference property.
layer.lowerReference string enum - "AGL" (above ground level)
- "WGS84" (above WGS84 ellipsoid)
layer.uom string
Unit of measurement ("m" for meters)
properties.coverage_timestamp float s Unix timestamp of the last coverage data update
