UAS ID and Operator ID

What are UAS ID and Operator ID?


The UAS ID is a unique identifier that is associated with your drone tracker.

The UAS ID is broadcasted over Wi-Fi frequency together with the position of the tracker and other information, according to the ASTM standard F3411-22a.

The UAS ID is composed of the code “1696F” followed by the IMEI of your drone tracker (the number written on the back of the tracker).

For example, if the IMEI of your drone tracker is: 123456789012345

Then the corresponding UAS ID is: 1696F123456789012345

On your smartphone, when you use RemoteID-compatible apps (like Open Drone ID), the UAS ID will be shown, not the IMEI.

How to configure your Operator ID?

The UAS Operator ID is a code provided during the registration by the National Aviation Authority to the person or organization owning single or multiple drones. After obtaining the code, the UAS Operator should visibly mark all owned drones with his Operator ID.

The UAS Operator ID identifies your organization, meaning that if you are operating multiple LEMAN RemoteID trackers, all need to be configured with the same UAS Operator ID.

Contact your Civil Aviation Authority to obtain your company's UAS Operator ID.

In Europe, the format of the UAS Operator ID is the following:

<ICAO Nationality MarkA><CAA Assigned ID>, ASCII encoded, only uppercase letters (A-Z), dot (.), and digits (0-9) are allowed.

Example (US): USA3NOP123456FG8

Example for EU: CHE11TY8GRPD893G


How to configure your UAS Operator ID?

When the LEMAN drone tracker is ON, send an SMS containing the following command to the number of the SIM card installed in the tracker:


For example, if your password is 123456 and your UAS Operator ID is CHE11TY8GRPD893G send the SMS:


Example screenshots

Open Drone ID application screenshots show how the UAS ID and UAS Operator ID are presented in the application receiving the LEMAN RemoteID broadcast signal. Please note, that the UAS Operator ID format is not correct.
